Referrals or Records can be faxed to 866-480-3345

Our phone number is 971-200-5226, however it is preferred that you reach out via the secure contact form (hipaa compliant, encrypted) or email if you have questions. I will respond via secure & hipaa compliant email that is encrypted using hushmail.

Referring providers are encouraged to provide potential patients our website address so they may review and schedule on their own.

If you would like to fax a referral so that we may have some medical history information on a patient, this can be helpful. Please denote on the referral as to if we should reach out to the client.

Questions? I’d be happy to set up a time to chat on the phone, or answer questions via email. Send me a message at:

We strive to make our services accessible and welcoming to all. If you need accommodations of any sort; or have feedback on how we could make our services or website more accessible and inclusive, please let us know!